
Hava Yolculuğunda Kalite Ne Kadar Düştü? (Dikkat Mideniz Bulanabilir!)

Passenger Shaming (yolcuları utandırma) adlı instagram hesabı kısa sürede 440 bin takipçiyi geçti.
Yoga yapanlar,  keskin kokulu aperatif içenler ve özellikle ayyaşlar, soyunup dökünenler…
Kısaca aklınıza, hayalinize gelmeyecek en pis görüntüler hepsi bu hesapta sergilendi ve hepsi gerçek!
Uçak lavabosuna tuvaletini yapan, saçlarını arka koltuğa savurup ekranı kapatan, sütyenini koltuk kenarına asan, üstsüz seyahat eden, kirli nasırlı ayaklarını sergileyen yolculara ait çarpıcı resimlerin her biri uçak yolcuları.
İşte Passenger shaming kolleksiyonunun bir parçası..
Son Dakika Havacılık Haberleri | Türk Hava Yolları, Pegasus, Sunexpress, Corendon, Havacılık, Havayolları, Havalimanları, Havaalanları, THY, Hostes, Pilot, Uçak, Kabin memuru, SHGM, DHMİ d49a879c8c2137eed8318e46f34658db
1. This guy cracks us up. Picture: Passenger Shaming
2. It’s getting hot in here — for all the wrong reasons. Picture: Passenger Shaming
3. Are there even words? Picture: Passenger Shaming
4. Who even knows what these guys are doing. Picture: Passenger Shaming
5. Maaaate. Sick tatt. We don’t want to see it. Picture: Passenger Shaming
6. We know how this guy is spending his flight. Picture: Passenger Shaming
7. Perhaps this couple was inspired by the guy in #6? Picture: Passenger Shaming
8. Another old mate. This is not your home. Picture: Passenger Shaming
9. Apparently pockets weren’t sufficient in this case. Picture: Passenger Shaming
10. Yes, that’s a potty. Yes, it’s full of urine. Picture: Passenger Shaming
11. There had to be at least one guy with gnarly feet. Picture: Passenger Shaming
12. Still another old mate. For real, what’s with these guys? Picture: Passenger Shaming
13. No comment. Picture: Passenger Shaming
14. Comfy, mate? At least he spread his legs toward the wall. Picture: Passenger Shaming

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